There are some websites that are going to be invaluable to you as you start diving deeper into CSS and jQuery. We’ve made reference to several of them in this course, and will mentiona  few more here too. These resources have been included to ensure that your learning continues long after this course is done and to help you keep doing amazing things with your new found skills!


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W3 Schools is by far the best reference I’ve found for learning (or re-learning) the various CSS and jQuery properties that can be used. Their interactive ‘try it yourself’ buttons is a fun place to edit the code and learn how it works.

If you want to know what the browser support is like on any CSS properties you are using in your code, CanIUse is the best place to check. It is very up to date and well monitored. It’s tables make it very clear what you should or should not be using and they even tell you if you should be using a browser prefix.

There is no better place to check your CSS for errors. Apart from validating your CSS, it’ll also make suggestions on behaviour in other browsers.

Creating box shadows can be difficult, especially if you’re running the code each tim e to text edits. CSSmatic’s box shadow genator will save you countless hours of tweaking.


Stylebot – Edit CSS on any site in real time.

Sublime Text – A free to use code editor with lots of add-ons and special functions

Local by Siteground – Spin unlimited free WordPress websites on your own computer. Perfect for testing out lots of different code / themes.